Emergency Numbers in Thailand
Emergency Numbers in Thailand.
Firstly, I must emphasize if you are required to communicate with an English-speaking emergency operator, you should call the Tourist Police or, in the case of a casualty, an ambulance service from one of the many international or regular government hospitals in Thailand.
Tourist Police: 1155
Fire: 199
Police (General Emergency Call): 191
Ambulance and Rescue: 1554
Air Ambulance (Siam Air Care-Private): 02 586 7654
National Disaster Warning Centre: 1860
Drugstores in Thailand
Generally, drugstores are open from 09:00 to 21:00, although some more minor drugstores may be open before or after. There is more than likely to be English-speaking at a drugstore, as when they studied, it was mainly in English. However, remember to speak slowly and clearly & if necessary, use pictures or Google Translate.
Going to a hospital for medical assistance outside these opening hours is best.
Blood Transfusions in Thailand
Rhesus-negative blood is uncommon in Thai people, and foreigners may find it in scarce supply if required. Below is a centre that maintains a collection of RH Negative blood and volunteer service that maintains a register of donors.
The National Blood Centre-Tel: 02 252 1601
Central Blood Register-Tel: 02 686 2700
Dealing with Snakes and Other Creepy Crawlies in Thailand
There are several contacts you can call in Thailand if you need to have a snake removed from your home, garden, vehicle, or whatever it is:
Chiang Mai’s Mae Sai Valley Snake Farm is about 15 km north of the city. 053-860719.
If the Snake Farm in Chiang Mai can’t help you, ask if they have any suggestions!
If you live in an area where you can’t find a listed phone number for snake removal, most Thai Provinces have a Rescue Club, and asking a neighbor should succeed in getting people to help you!
Embassies, Passports & Emergencies when in Thailand
The Consular office of a foreign national's embassy in Thailand has the responsibility—and the facilities—to provide help and information to a distressed citizen. This is called consular services; however, each country's Embassy or consulate provides support in myriad ways.
You may require support from Consular Services because of being a target of crime, apprehended on suspicion of committing a crime, severe illness, the unexpected death of a partner or spouse, and possible help with repatriation after a crisis.
Consular offices could also provide help/advice for a lost or stolen passport. However, consular services have been regularly reduced, and foreigners find it hard to get the support they need!
Embassies and Consulates in Thailand
As a visitor to Thailand, you may need to contact your embassy. Maybe you need to apply for a new passport, have an emergency, or find yourself in jeopardy. There are many reasons you may need help or advice. Find your country in the alphabetical list to discover the correct phone number. We also provided the website if there is one listed.
Albania, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 626 858
Argentina, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 590 401
Armenia, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 362 594
Australia, Consulate in Chiang Mai Call (+66) 91 857 699
Go to http://australianconsulatechiangmai.com to visit the website of The Australian Consulate.
Australia, Consulate in Koh Samui Call (+66) 93 584 707
Australia, Consulate in Phuket Call (+66) 76 317 700
Go to http://phuket.consulate.gov.au to visit the website of The Australian Consulate.
Australia, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 23 446 300
Go to https://thailand.embassy.gov.au to visit the website of The Australian Embassy.
Austria, Consulate in Chiang Mai Call (+66) 53 863 144
Austria, Consulate in Koh Samui Call (+66) 77 332 434
Austria, Consulate in Pattaya Call (+66) 38 422 634
Austria, Consulate in Phuket Call (+66) 76 248 334
Austria, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 21 056 700
Go to https://bmeia.gv.at/oeb-bangkok/ to visit the website of The Austrian Embassy.
Bahrain, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 666 565
Bangladesh, Consulate in Chiang Mai Call (+66) 53 212 373
Bangladeshi Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 23 905 107
Go to https://bdembassybangkok.org to visit the Bangladeshi Embassy website.
Belarus, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 81 803 119
Belgium, Consulate in Lampang Call (+66) 54 315 515
Belgium, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 21 081 800
Go to https://thailand.diplomatie.belgium.be to visit the website of the Belgium Embassy.
Benin, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 498 633
Bhutan, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 744 740
Botswana, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 29 018 778
Brazil, Consulate in Phuket Call (+66) 62 409 494
Brazil, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 798 567
Go to https://bangkok.itamaraty.gov.br to visit the Brazilian Embassy website.
Brunei, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 27 147 395
Bulgaria, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 585 495
Burkina Faso, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 2261-1000
Cambodia, Consulate in Aranyaprathet Call (+66) 37 230 204
Go to visit http://cgsakaeo.mfaic.gov.kh to visit the website of the Cambodian Consulate.
Cambodia, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 29 575 851
Canada, Consulate in Chiang Mai Call (+66) 53 850 147
Canada, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 464 300
Go to https://canadainternational.gc.ca/thailand-thailande/ to visit the website of the Canadian Embassy.
Chad, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 25 226 655
Chile, Consulate in Phuket Call (+66) 76 212 866
Chile, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 600 045
Go to https://chile.gob.cl/tailandia/ to visit the Embassy of Chile website.
China, Consulate in Chiang Mai Call (+66) 53 28 0380
Go to http://chiangmai.chineseconsulate.org to visit the website of the Embassy of China.
Consulate, Chiang Mai Call (+66) 53 28 0380
Go to http://chiangmai.chineseconsulate.org to visit the Consulate of China website.
China, Consulate in Khon Kaen Call (+66) 43 226 873
Go to http://khonkaen.china-consulate.org to visit the Consulate of China website.
China, Consulate in Phuket Call (+66) 76 304 180
China, Consulate in Songkhla Call (+66) 74 322 034
Go to http://songkhla.chineseconsulate.org to visit the Consulate of China website.
China, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 457 044
Go to https://chinaembassy.or.th China, Consulate in Chiang Mai Call (+66) 53 28 0380
Consulate, Chiang Mai Call (+66) 53 28 0380
Go to http://chiangmai.chineseconsulate.org to visit the Consulate of China website.
China, Consulate in Khon Kaen Call (+66) 43 226 873
Go to http://khonkaen.china-consulate.org to visit the Consulate of China website.
China, Consulate in Phuket Call (+66) 76 304 180
China, Consulate in Songkhla Call (+66) 74 322 034
Go to http://songkhla.chineseconsulate.org to visit the Consulate of China website.
China, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 457 044
Go to https://chinaembassy.or.th to visit the website of the Embassy of China.
Colombia, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 21 688 715
Go to https://tailandia.embajada.gov.co to visit the Embassy of Colombia website.
The Congo Republic, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 24 763 211
Cote D’lvoire, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 28 322 888
Croatia, Consulate in Bangkok (+66) 22 666 911
Cuba, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 652 803
Go to http://misiones.minrex.gob.cu/en/thailand to visit the website of the Embassy of Cuba.
Cyprus, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 618 408
The Czech Republic, Consulate Call Chiang Rai (+66) 84 191 544
The Czech Republic, Consulate in Phuket Call (+66) 76 249 400
The Czech Republic, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 554 978
Go to https://mzv.cz/bangkok to visit the Embassy of The Czech Republic website.
Denmark, Consulate in Phuket Call (+66) 76 388 283
Denmark, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 23 431 100
Go to https://thailand.um.dk to visit the Embassy of Denmark's website.
The Dominican Republic, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 29 335 686
Go to http://dominicanconsulate.org to visit the website of the Embassy of The Dominican Republic.
Ecuador, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 951 991 ext 343
Egypt, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 27 269 831
Go to https://mfa.gov.eg/bangkok_emb to visit the Embassy of Egypt website.
El Salvador, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 29 335 687
Go to http://econsulate.org to visit the Embassy of El Salvador website.
Eritrea, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 23 165 232
Estonia, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 89 313 777
Estonia, Consulate in Phuket Call (+66) 76 211 132
Ethiopia, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 805 827
Fiji, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 23 189 733
Finland, Consulate in Chiang Mai Call (+66) 53 231 133
Finland, Consulate in Phuket Call (+66) 76 360 000
Finland, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 078 700
Go to https://finland.or.th to visit the Embassy of Finland's website.
France, Consulate in Chiang Mai Call (+66) 53 281 466
France, Consulate in Chiang Rai Call (+66) 53 600 810
France, Consulate in Hua Hin Call (+66) 80 598 442
Go to http://agenceconsulairehuahin.fr to visit the Embassy of France's website.
France, Consulate in Khon Kaen Call (+66) 88 322 249
France, Consulate in Koh Samui Call (+66) 94 803 441
France, Consulate in Phuket Call (+66) 76 304 050
France, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 575 100
Go to https://ambafrance.org to visit the Embassy of France's website.
Gabon, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 792 800
The Gambia, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 240 091
Germany, Consulate in Chiang Mai Call (+66) 53 838 735
Germany, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 879 000
Go to https://bangkok.diplo.de to visit the Embassy of Germany website.
Germany, Consulate in Pattaya Call (+66) 38 422 634
Germany, Consulate in Phuket Call (+66) 76 610 407
Ghana, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 415 214
Greece, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 670 090
Go to https://mfa.gr/missionsabroad/thailand to visit the Embassy of Greece website.
Guinea, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 314 331
Honduras, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 411 567
Hungary, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 21 189 600
Go to https://bangkok.mfa.gov.hu to visit the Embassy of Hungary website.
Iceland, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 891 121
India, Consulate in Chiang Mai Call (+66) 53 441 618
India, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 25 803 006
Go to https://indianembassy.in.th to visit the Embassy of India website.
Indonesia, Consulate in Songkhla Call (+66) 74 311 544
Indonesia, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 523 135
Go to https://kemlu.go.id/bangkok/ to visit the Embassy of Indonesia website.
Iran, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 23 900 871
Go to https://bangkok.mfa.ir to visit the Embassy of Iran website.
Ireland, Consulate in Phuket Call (+66) 83 969 608
Ireland, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 20 161 360
Go to https://dfa.ie/irish-embassy/thailand/ to visit the Embassy of Ireland website.
Israel, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 049 200
Go to https://bangkok.mfa.gov.il to visit the Embassy of Israel website.
Italy, Consulate in Chiang Mai Call (+66) 53 212 925
Italy, Consulate in Phuket Call (+66) 76 263 923
Italy, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 504 970
Go to https://ambbangkok.esteri.it to visit the website of the Embassy of Italy.
Jamaica, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 403 285
Japan, Consulate in Chiang Mai Call (+66) 52 012 500
Japan, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 963 000
Go to https://th.emb-japan.go.jp to visit the Embassy of Japan website.
Kazakhstan, Consulate in Pattaya Call (+66) 38 235 130
Kazakhstan, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 543 043
Go to https://mfa.gov.kz/thailand to visit the Embassy of Kazakhstan website.
Kenya, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 21 853 679
Go to https://kenyaembassy.or.th to visit the Embassy of Kenya website.
Korea, Consulate in Chiang Mai Call (+66) 53 223 120 ext 204
Korea, Consulate in Phuket Call (+66) 76 234 452
Korea (North), Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 23 192 686
Korea (South), Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 477 537
Go to https://tha.mofa.go.kr to visit the Embassy of South Korea website.
Kuwait, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 366 600
Laos, Consulate in Khon Kaen Call (+66) 43 393 402
Laos, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 25 393 827
Latvia, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 373 585
Lesotho, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 85 311 332
Go to http://lesothoconsulate-thai.or.th to visit the Consulate of Lesotho website.
Libya, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 811 995
Lithuania, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 654 190
Luxembourg, Consulate in Phuket Call (+66) 98 015 134
Luxembourg, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 777 360
Go to https://bangkok.mae.lu to visit the Embassy of Luxembourg website.
Madagascar, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 345 838
Go to http://consulmada-th.org to visit the Consulate of Madagascar website.
Malaysia, Consulate in Songkhla Call (+66) 74 311 062
Go to http://kln.gov.my/web/tha_songkhla/ to visit the Consulate of Malaysia website.
Malaysia, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 296 800
Go to https://kln.gov.my/web/tha_bangkok/ to visit the Embassy of Malaysia website.
The Maldives, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 24 289 292
Mali, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 541 490
Malta, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 349 729
Mexico, Consulate in Pattaya Call (+66) 38 683 070 Ext 1700
Mexico, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 850 995
Go to https://sre.gob.mx/tailandia to visit the Embassy of Mexico website.
Moldova, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 80 590 555
Monaco, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 623 023
Mongolia, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 23 811 400
Go to https://bangkok.mfa.gov.mn to visit the Embassy of Mongolia website.
Montenegro, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 356 131
Morocco, Consulate in Hua Hin Call (+66) 32 537 100
Morocco, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 795 604
Go to https://moroccoembassybangkok.org to visit the Embassy of Morocco website.
Mozambique, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 681 681
Go to http://consulatemozambiquethailand.org to visit the Consulate of Mozambique website.
Myanmar, Consulate in Chiang Mai Call (+66) 52 004 211
Myanmar, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 332 237
Nambia, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 27 629 002
Nepal, Consulate in Phuket Call (+66) 76 217 343
Nepal, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 23 917 240
Go to https://nepalembassy.gov.np to visit the Embassy of Nepal website.
The Netherlands, Consulate in Phuket Call (+66) 76 528 784
The Netherlands, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 23 095 200
Go to https://netherlandsandyou.nl/your-country-and-the-netherlands/thailand to visit the Embassy of The Netherlands website.
New Zealand, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 542 530
Go to https://nzembassy.com/thailand to visit the Embassy of New Zealand website.
Nicaragua, Consulate in Phuket Call (+66) 27 129 048
Nigeria, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 23 910 833
Go to https://nigerianembbangkok.gov.ng/home/ to visit the Embassy of Nigeria website.
Norway, Consulate in Pattaya Call (+66) 38 231 630
Norway, Consulate in Phuket Call (+66) 76 355 337
Norway, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 046 500
Go to https://norway.no/en/thailand to visit the Embassy of Norway website.
Oman, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 399 380
Pakistan, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 530 288
Go to https://mofa.gov.pk/thailand/ to visit the Embassy of Pakistan website.
Panama, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 797 988
Go to https://panathai.com to visit the Embassy of Panama website.
Peru, Consulate in Chiang Mai Call (+66) 53 306 358
Peru, Consulate in Songkhla Call (+66) 73 335 093
Peru, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 606 243
Go to https://peruthai.or.th to visit the Embassy of Peru website.
The Philippines, Consulate in Chiang Mai Call (+66) 53 351 278
The Philippines, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 590 139
Go to https://bangkokpe.dfa.gov.ph to visit the Embassy of The Philippines website.
Poland, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 20 797 300
Go to https://bangkok.msz.gov.pl to visit the Embassy of Poland website.
Portugal, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 342 123
Go to https://banguecoque.embaixadaportugal.mne.pt to visit the Embassy of Portugal website.
Qatar, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 601 111
Go to https://bangkok.embassy.qa to visit the Embassy of Qatar website.
Romania, Consulate in Pattaya Call (+66) 18 418 787
Romania, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 402 522
Go to https://bangkok.mae.ro to visit the Embassy of Romania website.
Russia, Consulate in Pattaya Call (+66) 38 250 421
Russia, Consulate in Phuket Call (+66) 76 284 767
Russia, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 349 824
Go to https://thailand.mid.ru to visit the Embassy of Russia website.
Saudi Arabia, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 392 999
Singapore, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 23 486 700
Go to https://mfa.gov.sg/bangkok to visit the Embassy of Singapore website.
Slovakia, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 773 445
Go to https://mzv.sk/bangkok to visit the Embassy of Slovakia website.
Slovenia, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 347 637
South Africa, Consulate in Chiang Mai Call (+66) 53 711 800
South African, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 592 900
Go to https://dirco.gov.za/bangkok/ to visit the Embassy of South Africa website.
Spain, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 618 284
Go to https://exteriores.gob.es/Embajadas/Bangkok to visit the Embassy of Spain website.
Sri Lanka, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 611 938
Suriname, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 597 981
Swaziland, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 563 984
Sweden, Consulate in Chiang Mai Call (+66) 99 378 777
Sweden, Consulate in Hua Hin Call (+66) 32 522 421
Sweden, Consulate in Pattaya Call (+66) 38 424 613
Sweden, Consulate in Phuket Call (+66) 76 380 000
Sweden, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 20 026 742
Switzerland, Consulate in Chiang Mai Call (+66) 53 225 000
Switzerland, Consulate in Phuket Call (+66) 76-380 000
Switzerland, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 746 900
Go to https://eda.admin.ch/bangkok to visit the Embassy of Switzerland website.
Syria, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 21 687 777
Taiwan, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 700 200
Timor-Leste, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 547 501
Go to https://timor-leste.gov.tl/?p=142&lang=en&l=1 to visit the Embassy of Timor-Leste website.
Tunisia, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 925 071
Turkey, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 23 555 486
Go to https://bangkok.emb.mfa.gov.tr to visit the Embassy of Turkey website.
Uganda, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 883 990
Ukraine, Consulate in Pattaya Call (+66) 33 009 797
Ukraine, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 853 216
Go to https://thailand.mfa.gov.ua to visit the Embassy of Ukraine website.
The United Arab Emirates, Embassy of Bangkok Call (+66) 24 024 000
Go to https://uae-embassy.ae/ to visit the Embassy of The United Arab Emirates website.
The United Kingdom, Consulate in Chiang Mai Call (+66) 23 058 333
The United Kingdom, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 23 058 333
Go to https://gov.uk/government/world/thailand to visit the Embassy of The United Kingdom website.
The United States, Consulate in Chiang Mai Call (+66) 53 107 700
Go to http://usembassy.gov/embassy-consulate/chiang-mai/ to visit the Consulate of The United States website.
The United States, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 054 000
Go to https://th.usembassy.gov to visit the Embassy of The United States website.
Uruguay, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 23 197 132
Uzbekistan, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 26 753 995
Go to http://uzbinbkk.com to visit the Consulate of Uzbekistan website.
Vietnam, Consulate in Khon Kaen Call (+66) 43 242 190
Go to http://vnconsulate-khonkaen.mofa.gov.vn to visit the Consulate of Vietnam website.
Vietnam, Embassy in Bangkok Call (+66) 22 515 836
Go to https://vnembassy-bangkok.mofa.gov.vn to visit the Embassy of Vietnam website.
Yemen, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 23 140 610
Zimbabwe, Consulate in Bangkok Call (+66) 23 821 560
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