Thailand Non Immigrant B Visa & Thai Embassies
A guide for the Thai Non-Immigrant B Visa & Thai Embassies.
Teach English in the 'Land of Smiles' — Teach in Thailand with Kids English
Are you considering coming to Thailand?
By now, many of you may have heard the nickname for Thailand, “The Land of Smiles.” This nickname is a consequence of Thais seeking harmony over social conflict. The smile is used to defuse aggression, avoid confrontation and promote happiness. This is a trait that is derived from Buddhism and is promoted throughout Thai society.
Thailand School Year: Thai School Calendar Explained — Teach English in Thailand with Kids English
In Thailand, the weather is a significant motivator for the timing of the Thai school year; it does not resemble regular European, Australian, or North American school calendars. The school year starts in mid-May, when the rainy season commences, and ends at the beginning of March as the hot season rolls around.
Christmas in a Thai School & New Year in Thailand
Guest Author: Michael Chen | Math and English Teacher
Christmas and New Year in Thailand by Michael Chen | Math and English Teacher, Lampang province, Thailand.